Engaged Scholarship Literature

Engaged Scholarship Literature

Principles of Engagement

Israel, B.A., Schulz, A.J., Parker, E.A., & Becker, A.B. (1998). Review of Community-Based Research: Assessing Partnership Approaches to Improve Public Health. Annual Review of Public Health, 191(1), 173-202. 

Abstract: Community-based research in public health focuses on social, structural, and physical environmental inequities through active involvement of community members, organizational representatives, and researchers in all aspects of the research process. Partners contribute their expertise to enhance understanding of a given phenomenon and to integrate the knowledge gained with action to benefit the community involved. This review provides a synthesis of key principles of community-based research, examines its place within the context of different scientific paradigms, discusses rationales for its use, and explores major challenges and facilitating factors and their implications for conducting effective community-based research aimed at improving the public's health.

Principles of Partnership, Sourced from Stanford Haas Center for Public Service

Description: This document presents nine principles for engagement with communities to guide faculty, community partners, and students in creating and fulfilling the commitments of their partnerships.

Sprague Martinez, L.S., Reich, A.J., Flores, C.A., Ndulue, U.J., Brugge, D., Gute, D.M., Perea, F.C. (2017). Critical Discourse, Applied Inquiry and Public Health Action with Urban Middle School Students: Lessons Learned Engaging Youth in Critical Service-Learning. Journal of Community Practice, 1-22. 

Abstract: The Nuestro Futuro Saludable partnership designed a critical service-learning intervention focused on health equity and action. The 10-week afterschool intervention was implemented in a Boston middle school. Youths who took part in the intervention were knowledgeable about the social determinants of health in their communities, as well as to the barriers to health. Our findings indicate that engaging young people in a meaningful way will be critical if health improvement efforts are to be realized. We found that a critical service-learning framework that incorporates elements of applied inquiry and critical pedagogy was effective as a health intervention and provided opportunities for action.




Ritas, C. (2003). Speaking Truth, Creating Power: A Guide to Policy Work for Community-Based Participatory Reserach Practicioners. Hunter College Center on AIDS, Drugs, and Community Health. Authored for Community-Campus Partnerships for Health. 

Description: "This toolkit is designed for community-based participatory research (CBPR) institutional and community partners who want to create or change policies that affect health in their communities." (Excerpted from article, p.1)

Jenkins, B. Health Disparities: Why we have not solved the problem, Why we need new approaches. Excerpted from The Research Center on Health Disparities, Morehouse College, April 2004. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Description: Jenkins presents a spectrum of community involvement in research, ranging from notification to consent, endorsement, participation, and origination. 


Seider, S. and Novick, S. (2012). Measuring the Impact of Community Service Learning. In Butin, D.W. & Seider, S. (Eds.), The Engaged Campus: Certificates, minors and majors as the new community engagement (131-151). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.  

Swearer Center Learning Outcomes and Associated Competencies, Sourced from The Swearer Center for Public Service at Brown University. 



Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning                                                                                                      Published semiannually by the Ginsberg Center at the University of Michigan

"MJCSL is a national, peer-reviewed journal comprised of contributions relating to academic service learning in higher education from authors representing a wide range of academic backgrounds and professions.  Recently, MJCSL has expanded its publishing scope to include articles about campus-community partnerships, and faculty engaged scholarship." (Description excerpted from Michigan Publishing)

Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement                                                                          Published semiannually by North Carolina Campus Compact and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

"Partnerships recognizes that successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, administrators, disciplines, and more. The articles in this peer-reviewed journal focus on how theories and practices can inform and improve such partnerships, connections, and collaborations. Studies co-authored by faculty, students, and/or community partners; or examining practices across disciplines or campuses; or exploring international networks, are all encouraged." (Description exerpted from Partnerships website)

Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, Access                                                            Published quarterly by Johns Hopkins University Press

"Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP) is a national, peer-reviewed journal whose mission is to identify and publicize model programs that use community partnerships to improve public health, promote progress in the methods of research and education involving community health partnerships, and stimulate action that will improve the health of people and communities."(Description excerpted from Johns Hopkins University Press)

Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship                                                                                                  Published by the University of Alabama

"The Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) is a peer-reviewed international journal through which faculty, staff, students, and community partners disseminate scholarly works. JCES integrates teaching, research, and community engagement in all disciplines, addressing critical problems identified through a community-participatory process." (Description excertped from JCES)

The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement                                  Published annually by the International Association fo Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement

"The IJRSLCE is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research focused on service-learning, campus-community engagement, and the promotion of active and effective citizenship through education." (Description exerpted from IJRSLCE)



Curriculum and Pedagogy

Foundations in Engaged Scholarship

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Description: Drawing from the intellectual origins of experiential learning in theworks of John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget, this comprehensive and systematic book describes the process of experiential learning. He also applies experiential learning to higher education and lifelong learning, particularly with regard to adult education. (Excerpt from HCL Catalog

Boyer, Ernest L. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidred: Priorities of the Professoriate. New York: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 

Description: In this book, Boyer critically considers the reward systems in place for university faculty and proposes a new model of scholarship that rewards the scholarship of discovery, of integration, of application, and of teaching.

Boyer, Ernest L. (1996). The Scholarship of Engagement. Journal of Public Service & Outreach, 1(1), 11-21. 

Description: In this article, Boyer critically considers the role of the American university and scholarship in broader society. He presents his reinvisioned model of scholarship, described in more detail in Scholarship Reconsidered (previous link), and discusses the obligation of higher education institutions to engagem more directly in confronting modern social issues, especially those that affect children.

Butin, D.W. & Seider, S. (Eds.). (2012). The Engaged Campus: Certificates, minors and majors as the new community engagement. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Description: "There are by now over fifty academic programs - majors, minors and certificate programs- focused on community engagement at institutions of higher education across the United States, with dozens more in development. This volume offers a set of emerging best practices and an articulation of critical issues for faculty and administrators committed to developing, strengthening, or expanding programs in community engagement at their respective institutions" (Provided by publisher)

Willis, J., Peresie, J., Waldref, V., & Stockmann, D. (2003). The Undergraduate Perspective on Community-Based Research. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 9(3), p. 36-43.

Description: "This article, written by four undergraduates with extensive experience in community-based research (CBR), summarizes each author's project and offers their views on conditions necessary for CBR success and benefits of CBR for students." (Excerpted from article, p.36)


Engaged Scholarship in the Sciences

Begley, G.S. (2013). Making Connections: Service-Learning in Introductory Cell and Mollecular Biology. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 14(2), 213-220. 

Abstract: This report describes service-learning in a first-year majors biology course in which students serve throughout the semester with community partners for an average of 25 hours/student. All of the partnerships are based on providing engaging hands-on biology activities for youth in underserved urban areas surrounding the campus. Students in the course have designed new lessons and activities, supported biology labs, mentored younger students, and facilitated afterschool science clubs. Throughout the course, integration between the students’ service experience in the community and their learning in the course is emphasized. This is accomplished in multiple ways including class discussion, group activities, feedback from the instructor and teaching assistant, and weekly blogs. A three-year average of anonymous university-wide course evaluations suggested that students in this service-learning course considered their biology course to be highly rigorous. In both blogs and anonymous surveys students reported that their service and its integration with the course not only advanced their professional skills and sense of community engagement, but also enhanced their learning in biology.

Larios-Sanz, M., Simmons, A., Bagnall, R.A., &  Rosell, R.C. (2011). Implementation of a Service-learning Module in Medical Microbiology and Cell Biology Classes at an Undergraduate Liberal Arts University. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 12(1), 29-37. 

Abstract: Here we discuss the implementation of a service-learning module in two upper-division biology classes, Medical Microbiology and Cell Biology. This exciting hands-on learning experience provided our students with an opportunity to extend their learning of in-class topics to a real-life scenario. Students were required to volunteer their time (a minimum of 10 hours in a semester) at an under-served clinic in Houston, Texas. As they interacted with the personnel at the clinic, they were asked to identify the most prevalent disease (infectious for Medical Microbiology, and cellular-based for Cell) seen at the clinic and, working in groups, come up with educational material in the form of a display or brochure to be distributed to patients. The material was meant to educate patients about the disease in general terms, as well as how to recognize (symptoms), prevent and treat it. Students were required to keep a reflective journal in the form of a blog throughout the semester, and present their final materials to the class orally. Students were surveyed about their opinion of the experience at the end of the semester. The vast majority of student participants felt that the project was a positive experience and that it helped them develop additional skills beyond what they learn in the classroom and understand how lecture topics relate to every day life.

Martinez, L. S. & Perea, F. C. & Ursillo, A. & Pirie, A. & Ndulue, U. J. & Oliveira, C. & Gute, D. M. (2012). Research as curriculum: Engaging Undergraduates and Community Residents in Immigrant Health Research Partnerships. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 6(4), 491-498. The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Abstract: Background: Engaging undergraduate students in applied community research partnerships can promote greater health equity by providing students with the skills and capacity to work collaboratively with diverse populations. Objectives: The aim of this project was to develop a sustainable model to engage community members and students in public health research. Methods: Using an integrated research-as-curriculum model, students, community members, and faculty collaborated on the study design and implementation. Conclusions: Community residents in the classroom provided insights that strengthened the research process and helped to develop our understanding of contextual factors that influence health and well-being. This model provides a mechanism by which to fully incorporate undergraduate students in interdisciplinary partnership research for health.

Engaged Scholarship in Mathematics

Klanderman, D. B., Moore, M. W., Maxwell, M. S., & Robbert, S. K. (2013). Creating problems and their solutions: Service-learning through Trinity Mathematics Triathlons, Math Nights, and Math Centers. Primus : Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 23(6), 563-571. 

Abstract: We describe several service-learning initiatives implemented by the mathematics and education departments. College students with majors and minors in math and math education have helped to design and implement math events for elementary and middle school students. Formal and informal reflections on these service-related experiences have demonstrated the potential impact on future teaching and learning goals for the pre-service teachers. College students taking a statistics course have analyzed data from some of these math events, using both descriptive and inferential methods. Teachers of participating elementary and middle schools have re-examined their textbook and curriculum choices in light of their students' performance at these math events. 

Engaged Scholarship in the Social Sciences

Nigro, G. & Wortham, S. (1998). Service-Learning Through Action-Research Partnerships. In Bringle, R.G. Bringle, Duffy, D. K., & Zlotkowski (Eds.), With Service in Mind: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Psychology (161-170). Washington, DC: Ammerican Association for Higher Education. (Begins on ERIC pdf page 170)

Introduction: "In this chapter, we describe a course in which undergraduates learned from and with members of the local community by doing research that contributed to the solution of significant community problems involving services to children. Student researchers collaborated with local practitioners on research questions that originated in the practitioners' settings. In some cases, the research built on practitioners' own recent attempts to do research; in others, the research had awaited the assistance that student researchers could provide. In every case, the collaborations created partnerships that benefited our students, local practitioners, and the children in our community." (Nigro & Wortham, 2012, p. 161)

Sprague Martinez, L., Reich, A., Flores, C., Ndulue, U., Brugge, D., Gete, D., & Peréa, F. (2017). Critical Discourse, Applied Inquiry and Public Health Action with Urban Middle School Students: Lessons Learned Engaging Youth in Critical Service-Learning.  Journal of Community Practice.

Abstract: The Nuestro Futuro Saludable partnership designed a critical service-learning intervention focused on health equity and action. The 10-week afterschool intervention was implemented in a Boston middle school. Youths who took part in the intervention were knowledgeable about the social determinants of health in their communities, as well as to the barriers to health. Our findings indicate that engaging young people in a meaningful way will be critical if health improvement efforts are to be realized. We found that a critical service-learning framework that incorporates elements of applied inquiry and critical pedagogy was effective as a health intervention and provided opportunities for action.

Engaged Scholarship In the Humanities

Jay, G. (2012). The Engaged Humanities: Principles and Practices for Public Scholarship and Teaching. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 3(1). 

Abstract: Will public scholarship and community engagement become central to revitalizing the humanities in the 21st century? Efforts to connect humanities research and teaching with projects to advance democracy, social justice, and the public good might take advantage of the latest episode of crisis, and even argue that they represent a strong new direction for revival. After a brief review of how definitions of the humanities have changed since the 1960s, the essay contends that the future of the humanities depends upon two interrelated innovations: the organized implementation of project- based engaged learning and scholarship, on the one hand, and the continued advancement of digital and new media learning and scholarship, on the other hand. A number of examples of engaged humanities practice are examined, their institutional obstacles analyzed, and the principles common to them enumerated. The conclusion focuses on how new media are changing the nature of “the public” once more, offering opportunities for different kinds of scholarship, teaching, and engagement.

Posey, S. M. & Quinn, D. (2009). Engaging Humanities: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Composition and Service-Learning. Journal for Civic Commitment, 8(1), 1-14.

Abstract: Service-learning has the potential to enhance learning outcomes for composition students. In an interdisciplinary general education program structured with learning communities and shared readings, service-learning ties together diverse themes evident in the humanities and social science-based curriculum while promoting self-awareness, community consciousness, teamwork and life-long learning. 

Parra, M. (2013). Expanding Language and Cultural Competence in Advanced Heritage- and Foreign- Language Learners through Community Engagement and Work with the Arts. Heritage Language Journal, 10(2), 115-142. 

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to describe the methodology and pedagogical practices of an advanced language course, Spanish and the Community, that addresses the strengths and needs of both Spanish heritage language learners and foreign language learners in classrooms that contain both populations, i.e., in mixed classrooms. Focused on the Latino experience in the United States, the course’s main goals are to advance translingual competence, transcultural critical thinking, and social consciousness in both groups of students. Three effective and interrelated pedagogical approaches are proposed: (a) community service as a vehicle for social engagement with the Latino community; (b) the multiliteracies approach (New London Group, 1996), with emphasis on work with art; and (c) border and critical pedagogy drawn from several authors in the heritage language field (Aparicio, 1997; Correa, 2011; Ducar, 2008; Irwin, 1996; Leeman, 2005; Leeman & Rabin, 2001; Martínez & Schwartz, 2012) and from Henry Giroux and Paulo Freire’s work. The effectiveness of this combined approach is demonstrated in students’ final art projects, in which they: (a) critically reflect on key issues related to the Latino community; (b) integrate knowledge about the Latino experience with their own personal story; (c) become aware of their relationship to the Latino community; and (d) express their ideas about their creative artifact in elaborated written texts in Spanish (the project’s written component).