Lucy Tu

Lucy Tu

House Public Service Representative (2021-2022)
Winthrop House
Lucy Tu
Lucy Tu is a sophomore in Winthrop House pursuing a concentration in Sociology with a secondary in Neuroscience. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska and Wuhu, China. As a House Public Service Representative, Lucy aims to collaborate with peers and Harvard Public Service staff to facilitate accessible and equitable pathways to enacting social change. With the COVID-19 pandemic spotlighting enormous health disparities, Lucy hopes to combat public health inequities through legal and policy remedies, improving access to care for underserved communities. Outside of serving as Winthrop's House Public Service Representative, Lucy enjoys blogging, screenwriting, and cooking international cuisine. At Harvard, Lucy also serves as Co-Director of the Boston Refugee Youth Enrichment Extension Program, Publishing Director of Harvard Undergraduate Law Review, and Criminal Justice Team Lead for the Policy Program at the Institute of Politics.

Contact Information

House Public Service Representative